
Sunday, February 10, 2019

beethoven :: essays research papers

As someone who suffers from extreme construeing loss, I am amazed at the greatTalent of Ludwig vans van van Beethoven, who as one of the greatest composers of all eon wrote most of his music while he was deaf It seems impossible, but what a genius he was.Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany on December 16, 1770. His mother died while he was a teenager and his founding father was in truth abusive and a crazy alcoholic. Beethoven came from a very melodious family. His grandfather became a conductor and his father played and taught subdued and violin.From a very young age, Beethoven was a perfectionist and became emotional and sullen when things didnt go well with his music. Beethoven saw his world as all or nothing, If something he was working on wasnt utterly perfect, he would feel he was a total failure. In Beethovens life, there wasnt room for any compromise. He began to pull ahead that he was losing his hearing when he was 28 and he couldnt hear the church bells ringing. Some people have said that his terrible ruggedness was really his frustration with his music as he became more(prenominal) and more deaf. Beethoven became so sad about his deafness that he considered suicide. He even wrote a suicide letter to his brother to tell him that he planned to kill himself. When he was 50, he was completely deaf. As measure went on, Beethoven learned how to cope with his disability. One way Beethoven coped was in order to hear the sounds he would cut off the legs of the piano and impute it on the floor, so that he could feel the sounds in the floor as he played. Once he learned how to handle this, Beethoven began to frame his greatest works. Beethoven was such a perfectionist that he would rework his musical compositions for years until they were perfect. It is incredible that during his life, Beethoven wrote nine symphonies and thirty-two piano sonatas. Because of these problems, Beethoven never had many close friends or happy relationships. T he music he created showed this and was almost sad and heavy, it wasnt full of life and fun. Beethoven love to take walks in the country and enjoy the beauty of nature. It was nature that gave him the enthusiasm to write Symphony No. 6. One of Beethovens soonest and most successful works was a religious composition, named Opus 85, in 1803, known as the Hallelujah choir that we all sing on Easter Sunday.

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